From Arye Gut, Israel-based expert in international relations, head of "International projects for society" Non-Governmental Organization

24 dekabr 2015, 17:05

His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan<BR>

Dear Mr. President, please accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday.

Under your leadership Azerbaijan has taken the leading position in the region in the past decade, playing an active role in solving important issues of regional and international policy. Thanks to your wise policy Azerbaijan is the undisputed leader of the geopolitical and geoeconomic processes taking place in the South Caucasus.

Azerbaijan has completely proven itself as the regional leader. It is impossible to carry out any geopolitical and geoeconomic project without Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus.

The State of Israel highly appreciates your personal attitude and attitude of the Azerbaijani government towards the Jewish community, and this has no analogues in the world. This relationship is based on deep respect, cooperation traditions and friendly relations between the two countries.

Thanks to your commitment to secular state, tolerance, respectful attitude to the all confessions and nations living in Azerbaijan, you have earned respect of both the Israeli society and the majority of the Jewish community living in other countries of the world.

On this joyful day, I wish you and your family robust health, happiness, prosperity and success.

Best regards,

Arye Gut

Israel-based expert in international relations, head of "International projects for society" Non-Governmental Organization

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