
His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dear Mr President.
We congratulate on this blessed success the Republic of Azerbaijan and its people struggling to achieve victory in the battles of Karabakh region. We congratulate our brothers for the liberation and the return of life to normal, and hearing the call to prayer from the loudest tens of mosques after 30 years of occupation who ended the struggle in Karabakh with their just struggle. Mercy for the martyrs of Azerbaijan heroes and speedy recovery of your wounded. Azerbaijan has made an important gain on the battlefield and at the negotiating table.
We, in turn, assure that our country will further remain on the side of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
We look forward to strengthening and deepening the bonds of cooperation and effective communication for the business community and the development and growth of all business sectors.
With appreciation and best regards,
Nabeel Salman Ali Alanbary
Chairman of the Karbala Chamber of Commerce,
Ahmed Abdel Abbas Al-Waeli
President of the Iraqi Businessmen Union
Branch holy city of Karbala